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British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), 畠忽Z僥縮圄僥氏 (JALT)




?Helping Teachers Help Their Students Participate in Virtual Exchange: The Importance of Teacher Training. International Journal of TESOL Studies Vol.4 (3) 94-110. 2022定7埖┨花
?Coerced code-switching and its effect on young developing bilinguals [with Peter Schinckel] 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及64栽禳 2017定3埖
?Primary school teachers' L1 and target language use in foreign language instruction. 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及63栽禳 2016定3埖
?Process Writing: Making the Processes Visible. The Language Teacher, 37(2). 2013定3埖
?Cutting 'Distance': A Note on Three Versions of Raymond Carver's Short Story. 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及60?61栽禳 2013定3埖
?Questioning dichotomies in English Language Teaching. In Pattison, T. (ed.) IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections. Canterbury, UK: IATEFL. 2013定
?Using Texts in the University Classroom: Japanese Teachers' Practices. In Chartrand, R., Crofts, S. & Brooks, G. (eds.). The 2012 Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings. Hiroshima: JALT. 2013定
?Young Learner English Language Policy and Implementation: International Perspectives. Review. JALT Journal 34(1). 2012定5埖
?Lifelong Learning: A European Perspective 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥o勣羨40巓定廷催〇及52?53栽禳 2009定3埖
?The Cognitions and Practices of Tertiary-Level Japanese Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Unpublished PhD thesis, Lancaster University, U.K. 2008定
?Influences on the Cognition and Practices of Japanese Teachers of English 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及50催 2007定9埖
?Teacher Cognition and the Dual System of English Education in Japan 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及45催 2005定3埖
?Language Through Literature: Using literature in the EFL classroom 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及37催 2001定3埖
?Metaphor in the Work of Sylvia Plath 〆365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@溺徨玉豚寄僥何o勣〇 及36催 2000定11埖

?Bringing the World to Your Classroom Through Online Exchange. Cutting Edges Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK. June 28, 2019..
?The International Virtual Exchange Project: What We Know So Far. [With E.Hagley, T.Rawson & D.Campbell] 晩云ム`ドルム`ト2018 |奨寄氏 2018定2埖21晩?23晩 冷i寄僥
?Intercultural Exchange with Moodle. [With E.Hagley, H.Harashima,T.Rawson & M.Yamauchi] 晩云ム`ドルム`ト 2017 伉彰鷸2017 定 2 埖 17 晩゛19 晩 徭嵶匳親寄僥
?Obstacles in tertiary-sector ELT discourse in Japan. 11th BAAL Language Learning & Teaching Conference, Edinburgh University, UK. July 2-3, 2015.
?"Students these days are like karaoke people": utilizing social context in English teaching in Japan. 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) 10 - 15 August 2014, Brisbane, Australia
?Using social context in English teaching in Japan. IATEFL Conference, Harrogate, UK. April 2-5, 2014.
?`Students these days are like karaoke people¨: Utilizing Social Context in English Teaching in Japan.BAAL Language Learning & Teaching Conference, St.Mary's University College, UK.July 4-5, 2013
?Using Texts in the University Classroom: Japanese Teachers' Practices. JALT Pan-SIG 2012 Conference.Hiroshima University, June 16-17, 2012.
?Questioning Dichotomies in English Language Teaching. IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, UK. March 19-23, 2012
?Teacher Cognition Revisited. IATEFL Conference, Brighton, UK. April 15-19, 2011
?A Revised Model of Teacher Cognition Cutting Edges Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, U.K. June 25-27, 2009
?A Revised Model of Teacher Cognition BAAL 2009 Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. September 3-5, 2009
?Managing the transition between instructional contexts: From language school teacher to university lecturer. Cutting Edges Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UKJune 22-23, 2007.
?The background, beliefs and classroom practices of teachers at a Japanese university. Cutting Edges Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UKJune 23-24, 2006.
?Towards a Principled Collaboration between Native and Non\native English Teachers: The thinking of teachers at a Japanese university. The 3rd Asia TEFL International Conference, Beijing, China. November4-6, 2005.


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?Lifelong Learning in the UK. 365bet悶圄壓-‐率匯娩幡郊利/@ト`クシリ`ズ奬始爺舞表忽Hゲストハウス2007定9埖22晩
